Introducing our new & exciting ‘Diary of a Lady Soft Girl’ Competition!! 

Our competition will run for 1 month and here is how you enter:
1. Go to your local retailer and buy Lady Soft Super or Normal sanitary pads for your next period.
2. For the first 5 days of your period write a diary each day to explain:
* What you did that day e.g. did you go to school, work, take care of your children?
* How you are feeling e.g. do you have bad cramps or bad lower back pain? do you feel irritable? do you have any cravings? Whatever it is tell us how you are feeling!
* How does it feel to be using Lady Soft sanitary pads? e.g. are they comfortable? highly absorbing? how is the quality?
* Do you have any questions for the Lady Soft team?

Simply answer these 4 simple questions in your diary every day for 5 days whilst you are on your period & send us a private message at the end of the 5 days with your diary entries!

Our chosen winner will receive:
6 months FREE SUPPLY of Lady Soft Super or Normal- Your choice! & will become the Lady Soft Facebook profile picture! 

Have any questions about the competition? 
We are ecstatic to see how many of you are starting or are getting ready to send your entries through. Once they are ready please send them either:
1. By Private Message- You can do it by selecting the ‘Message’ button under the Lady Soft cover photo
2. By e-mail your entries to us at our dedicated e-mail address: ladysoftafrica@gmail.com.

Competition will be running till 24th May 2014!

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