You are currently viewing Tecno #TheXtraOrdinaryMe #PHANTOMX2Series Contest.

Tecno #TheXtraOrdinaryMe #PHANTOMX2Series Contest.

Are you ambitious? Do you have an extraordinary dream that could make you famous and put your face on the cover of a magazine?

Then join the #TheXtraOrdinaryMe contest.

To participate:
– Submit your entry on the PHANTOM Xtra-ordinary page here👇
– Sign up to create your PHANTOM X2 Magazine Cover with your image using any of the templates and add your name
– Download the created magazine cover and post in the comment section using this format
“My TECNO PHANTOM X2 Magazine Cover entry” and a caption telling us in a few words what makes you Xtra-Ordinary using hashtags #TheXtraOrdinaryMe #PHANTOMX2Series

-Ensure you are following all our social media pages to qualify.

Every week, we will put up the best entry for vote on our social media page, and the entry with the highest engagement will be rewarded with the new PHANTOM X2.


#TheXtraOrdinaryMe #PHANTOMX2Series

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