NAC 2014 Call for Entries

Interventions explores how contemporary art serves as a catalyst for positive social change, engaging artists to think about their relationship to the social, political, and cultural framework of the society that they live in. 
As contemporary art is inherently an avenue for audiences to analyze and begin a dialogue about issues relevant to their present day, artists are asked to create work that will spark public discourse and make a difference in their local communities. 
Whether engaging public space with site-specific interventions, or using the artwork itself as the communication agent, how can art impact society? What is the role of the artist in the twenty-first century, and what can art achieve?

Interested participants are to propose in writing accompanied with a sketch, a short plan of their interpretation and creative approach to the theme. This year’s competition is open to all mediums.
Applicants will be selected based on their written proposals (50%) and the submitted sketch (50%) 

We stress that PROPOSALS ONLY will be accepted.
Completed or existing art works will not be accepted and will disqualify you from the selection process.
Based on the submitted proposals, 12 finalists will be shortlisted and invited to partake in a retreat at an exclusive location which will result in the creation of works to be exhibited at the NAC Grande Finale/Exhibition.
Professor El Anatsui will head the artistic selection committee that will determine the winners this year. 

All entries should be sent as a maximum 3 page PDF document (see instructions on how to submit below) along with your:
1. Name – Title First name Middle name SURNAME
2. Date of Birth
3. Present Location
4. Email Address
5. Address
6. Telephone number
7. Medium/Genre 
8. Educational background
9. Present occupation
10. How did you learn about the 2014 National Art Competition?
To nac2014@africanartists.org

Grand Prize: N2,000,000 + A solo show at AAF 
Winner Outstanding Concept: N1,000,000 
Winner Outstanding Production: N1,000,000 

How to Submit
Each proposal should contain 3 pages ONLY with the following information: 
 •Max one page pdf document with your education/exhibition history (if any) and a short bio including your name, title first name, middle name and surname, date of birth, present location, email address, telephone number, present occupation, how did you learn about the 2014 National Art Competition? 
•Max one page pdf document including a written proposal of how you plan to execute the theme Interventions. Kindly include details about your chosen method and medium. 
•Max one page (A4) sketch (mandatory) illustrating your concept. You may scan it or turn in the hard copy at AAF HQ, 54 Raymond Njoku Street, Ikoyi, Lagos. 
The pdf files should be titled as follows: 
[Participant’s LAST NAME] _ [Participant’s FIRST NAME]_document title. pdf

Deadline for Submission of entries: 22 July, 2014.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Nwabuwa Somto

    Tanx gloria. Ur blog is gonna b d media tru which i heard abt dis. An on dis

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