itel Selfie Contest Coming up Tomorrow? Win Loads of Prizes.

itel Selfie Contest Coming up Tomorrow? Win Loads of Prizes.


The itel S16 Selfie Perfect Contest will be going live tomorrow, and 10 itel S16 smartphones, TWS earbuds, internet subscriptions, and lots more are up for grabs.

So, tell us. Are you selfie perfect and ready?


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Danielle

    But I don’t have an itel phone

  2. Titilope Olojede

    How do I go about the contest

  3. Ukwandu Nmesoma Favour

    I really need it

  4. Kene chisom

    I need it 💗

  5. aplife Thomas Akomaye

    i need the phone how should i get it

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